About acupuncture
In acupuncture sessions, a small number of fine needles is inserted into the skin, influencing the flow of vital energy throughout your body in a controlled fashion. Each point needled is carefully selected, based on traditional knowledge regarding its unique impact and a thorough diagnosis of your condition.
What happens during the acupuncture session?
Each session begins with a review of your current physical, mental and energetic condition. A unique set of needling points is then selected, informed by this review. You will be requested to lay on a treatment bed or chair for 20-30 minutes, during which fine needles are inserted into the skin to provoke energetic shift within your body. Once done, the needles are removed and safely discarded, and the session is brought to an end.
Some things to consider:
The modern acupuncture needles are much thinner than a syringe or sewing needle. These are single-use and sterile needles, silicon coated so to cause you the least discomfort possible. You are must likely to feel no pain during the acupuncture therapy session.
Most commonly used acupuncture point are in the body’s extremities – arms, legs and head. In some cases, you might be asked to expose other parts of your body. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, it’s okay! An alternative needling point is always available.